If you are planning your estate details in utah, contact one of our real estate attorneys at Whitehouse and Company and have them help you properly set up or review your Salt Lake City property taxes.

Hands on real estate attorneys to assist in Utah estate planning.


Whitehouse and Company has real estate attorneys that will work with you to make sure that your assets and financial worth will be taken care in case of an unexpected event. They will set up plans that will coincide with your Utah estate planning and also settle the issue of property taxes in Salt Lake City. We can figure something out that will work for you and your family and make sure that everything gets taken care of. We can help you set up life insurance and a will so that you know your belongings will land in the hands of relatives and loved ones. Call us today to set up an appointment so you can be sure that after you pass on, the ones that you care about most will be taken care of.


Have one of our real estate attorneys help with your Salt Lake City property tax.


Your Utah estate planning can be a very involved ordeal. Dealing with property taxes in salt lake city can involve many different factors and can bring up questions like, “I’ve remodled the kitchen and bathroom. Will the increase in home value affect how much I pay in taxes?” Home renovations can include; adding a bathroom, putting up a fence, or even something simple like just painting the house. Putting in all that extra work to spruce up your home and make the value go up shouldn't be over looked but it would be frustrating if you had to pay more annually in salt lake city property taxes. Make sure you are getting what you deserve and find out what your home is really worth with one of our real estate attorneys. Perhaps you have other questions like, “How can I figure out the tax on the sale of my home?” We can answer these questions and we are here to help you for any planning including estates in Utah.


Planning for student loans.


Student loans and financial aid are very important when planning for college, especially in these tough economic times. We all know going to school is no longer a small expense, but it is a very important thing to do. We understand that education is essential to starting a steady career and that it can help you get on the carreer path you want. We can help set up student loans or help you get financial aid by setting up a flexible plan that will work to suit your needs and match your financial situation. Let us help you get the education you need to land your dream job.