If you need help on your Salt Lake City estate tax or your Utah payroll taxes, our accountants at Whitehouse and Company are ready to help.

We offer basic Salt Lake City estate tax planning.


Our Utah accountants at Whitehouse and Company can help you create a plan for your Salt Lake City estate taxes and if you have special circumstances involving your family, we can figure something out for you. You don’t want to make as mistake filing out your Salt Lake City estate taxes that your family will have deal with later. Our Utah accountants will also be able to help you with your assets. For your assets it is reccomended that you frequently adjust your strategies and situation to protect yourself if laws happen to change. We assure you that our Utah accountants will do everything they can to make sure that your family and loved ones are taken care of after you pass on. Call us today at (801) 446-5600 and we can answer any questions or concerns you have and help you figure out your Salt Lake City estate taxes.


Education planning and student loans.


If you are planning to attend college then you know it is by no means inexpensive. These days it is nearly impossible to have a conversation about education without discussing the topic of financial aid or student loans. The cost of college can also be a dreadful experience if your Utah payroll taxes were filled out incorrectly. Don’t let that happen to you, our Utah accountants can help you fill out your payroll taxes properly and set up a plan to get you or your child to school at an expense that will work for your family. We offer student loans and can set up 529 plans. We know how important it is to get a college education and we want to help you make that happen by offering our accounting services to help you file your Utah payroll taxes. College is a major stepping stone towards choosing an ideal career path and getting a career up and moving. Let us help provide the education they need to land that dream job. If you have any questions or want to set up an appointment to get you started on setting up student loans contact us at (801) 446-5600.


Starting a business and don't know where to look for financial support?


We have many people who are just starting their own business come to us for help with their Utah payroll taxes. We understand that it is difficult starting small business in Utah, especially in these tough economic times but our accountants at Whitehouse and Company can help. They will go over the advantages and disadvantages of self employment with you, talk about choosing an entity for your business, and go over all the details  like payroll taxes to make sure that your Utah small business gets its wheels moving and keeps them moving. Owning your own business is a dream to some people and it can be a great experience. You may just need the help our accountants offer to make sure that your Utah small business is a success and it truly becomes your dream.