
529 plans

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Education planning basics

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Decision Tools

529 plans

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Determining how much to save for college

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Evaluating college savings options

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Financial aid

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Tax issues

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529 plan basics

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529 plan expenses and fees

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529 plans and financial aid

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529 plans vs. other ways to save for college

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529 plans: Changing plans (rollover)

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529 plans: Choosing or changing a beneficiary or account owner

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529 plans: Death of account owner or beneficiary

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529 plans: Making contributions

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529 plans: Tax issues

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Applying to college

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Borrowing against your 529 account

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Choosing a 529 plan

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College costs

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College students and insurance

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Education tax credits

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Financial aid

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Opening a 529 account

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Paying for college

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Saving for college

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Selecting a college

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Student loans

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Understanding 529 investments

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Using or withdrawing 529 funds

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